In the equities, commodities, and FX markets, technical analysis is the most effective and widely adopted decision-making approach. Even the investment community incorporates Technical Analysis in combined with basic Fundamental Research to manage their market entries and exits.
However, to Learn them you need to read books on technical analysis but Which are the best Books on Technical Analysis of Indian Stock Market will be the next question in your mind. So let’s find best books on technical analysis.
Table of Contents
Regardless of whether someone is trading Intraday or short to medium term, a professional trader in the market cannot overlook the relevance of Technical Analysis. It’s the technique that Organises a financial object’s price-volume information over a period.
The structuring usually consists of numerous candlestick patterns or traditional price patterns and indications created from analysis methods applying simple price volume data over time.
A new trader or investor can master technical analysis in a variety of ways. He or she can take lessons, attend seminars, watch video recordings, and read some of the best technical analysis books available.

Books on Technical Analysis of Indian Stock Market
For understanding technical analysis, there are a variety of books on technical analysis available that address themes like chart patterns, crowd psychology, and perhaps trading system development. Although many of these books are out of date or useless, there are a few that have become timeless classics when it comes to learning the technique of trading.
Let’s check out 9 Best Books on technical Analysis of Indian Stock Market:
The Art and Science of Technical Analysis
This book is authored by Adam Grimes. It is a game-changing trading book that delves into winning technical patterns and tactics. The Art and Science of Technical Analysis is a game-changing book that shows the difference between academic market analysis, technical analysis, and profitable trading.
The book investigates why markets are unpredictable most of the time, but not always, and how technical analysis can be used to identify objectively proven patterns in specific market conditions.
The book’s thesis is that price patterns are caused by purchasing and selling stress, but that these technical patterns are only successful when there is an actual buying/selling mismatch.
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Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns
With fresh effectiveness data for both bull and bear markets, as well as 23 additional patterns, including a second part devoted to 10 event patterns, Thomas Bulkowski has updated the classic.
It explains how to trade the major phenomena that influence today’s trading, including quarterly earnings releases, retail sales, stock upgrades and downgrades, and backs up his method with facts.
If you’re a technical trader, this new edition is a must-have guidebook. The most comprehensive chart pattern reference accessible. It ventures into areas where no one has gone before.
It provides concrete information on how good or terrible the patterns are. Anyone who has ever glanced at a chart and puzzled about what was going on should read this book.
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Technical Analysis Explained
Martin J. Pring is the author of this book. Technical analysis is the practise of observing how investors have consistently behaved to events in the past and predicting how they will react in the future. This book demonstrates how to increase trading and investing earnings by evaluating, anticipating, and analyzing market and individual stock patterns. This well-organized guide will get you up and running quickly with:
- A step-by-step guide to incorporating technical analysis into your investment strategy.
- Using today’s most advanced investment tools and procedures in a practical way.
- An insider’s look into investor psychology with the goal of managing your emotions.
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How to Make Money Trading with Candlestick Charts
First Indian Author book in our list of Books on Technical Analysis of Indian Stock Market. This book aims to make the learner a champion of his trade if he follows the presented candlestick trading techniques to the letter. For almost four centuries, the Japanese have used candlestick trading tactics and candle signals to replenish their coffers.
These signals have been refined and improved over time and are currently used all around the planet for trading in financial markets, equities, and derivatives.
The book assists the reader in comprehending and executing this money-making approach. It begins by describing the many types of candle signals, as well as how to recognize and use them. This book was written by Balkrishna M. Sadekar.
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Technical Analysis of Stock Trends
It was the first book to present a system for evaluating investors’ and markets’ predicted behaviour. It changed technical investment strategies and demonstrated to traders and investors how to earn irrespective of market conditions.
The book, now in its ninth edition, remains the gold standard against which all other investment approaches are assessed. The 9th edition includes the following elements that are essential for technical traders, investors, and financial experts:
- A more thorough examination of Magee’s “basing points” technique
- A thorough examination and dissection of the Dow Theory
- A substantial amount of new material on commodities trading has been included.
- Valuable insight into short-term and futures trading
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Trading and Technical Analysis Course
Second Indian book in your list of Books on Technical Analysis of Indian Stock Market is by Madar Jamsandekar. Thousands of technical analysts and traders have been taught by Mandar Jamsandekar how to trade safely and profitably.
He introduces his tried-and-true tools, approaches, and techniques for comprehensive trade analysis, trade execution, and trade monitoring in this groundbreaking course book, which impose serious analysis and trading discipline — and weed out transactions with poor risk-reward results.
This book will show you how to integrate technical analysis’ stock selecting and market timing capabilities with the strength of focused trade entries and trade management tactics, point by point.
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Getting Started in Technical Analysis
Technical analysis is the technique and skill of analysing price action to better understand market behaviour and find trading possibilities. It is beloved by many and loathed by others.
In this approachable book, Jack Schwager—perhaps the most well-known and regarded person in the field—clearly explains the fundamentals of technical analysis for novice investors, including trends, trading levels, chart patterns, stops, entry, and exit, and pyramiding strategies.
Countless instances and clear, basic explanations throughout the book establish a solid platform for using technical analysis to make smarter, more educated investing choices and as the foundation for mechanical trading platforms.
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Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques
For the first time, the history and actual implications of the remarkable and strong Japanese charting method known as candlestick charts are completely described. Professional analysts and traders throughout the globe are buzzing about these vibrant and fascinating strategies.
They can be useful for speculating and hedging, as well as for futures, stocks, and other markets where technical analysis is used.
Experienced technicians will learn how to combine Japanese candlesticks with other technical tools to produce a tremendous combination of tactics.
While beginners will learn how valuable candlestick charts are as a separate charting approach. Steve Nison is the author of this book.
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How to Make Money in Stocks
Last in our list of Books on Technical Analysis of Indian Stock Market is The third edition is a useful guide to becoming a professional investor. It provides advice to those who want to make smart decisions, even if they have never held shares before.
Additional concepts, enhanced chart graphics, and new research tools are included in this revised edition. Making money by checking the daily economic pages; selecting the best sector categories in the market;
studying charts to better stock choice and placement; minimize risk and blunders; and profiting from researching and studying the news are all important topics.
This book by William J. O’Neil has taught over 2 million investors how to develop wealth in all types of markets.
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Many literature have been published on technical analysis, however few of them have become ageless masterpieces that traders trust on. These books are recommended for those inexperienced to technical analysis who want to fine-tune their tactics and increase their chances of success.
This is all from our side regarding Books on Technical Analysis of Indian Stock Market. Let us know your views about technical analysis books for indian stock market in the comment section.

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FAQ About best technical analysis books for indian stock market
Books on advanced technical analysis?
Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, Getting Started in Technical Analysis and Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are 3 major Books on advanced technical analysis.
Best technical analysis books for beginners
Technical Analysis Explained, Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns and The Art and Science of Technical Analysis are Best technical analysis books for beginners.
Technical analysis books India?
How to Make Money Trading with Candlestick Charts, Trading and Technical Analysis Course, and Technical Analysis Explained are Best Technical analysis books India.
Best Technical analysis books in Hindi?
Best technical analysis books in Hindi are Technical Analysis Aur Candlestick Ki Pehchan and Tradeniti : Kaise Bane Safal Professional Trader.
Indian writers books on Technical Analysis?
How to Make Money Trading with Candlestick Charts, Technical Analysis of Stock Trends and Technical Analysis Aur Candlestick Ki Pehchan are Indian writers books on Technical Analysis.
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