You can invest in India or any other overseas nation whether people are an individual or an investment firm based elsewhere. Foreign Direct Investments and Foreign Institutional Investors are the two types of Foreign investment. Most people want to know the difference between FDI and FII.
Table of Contents
India is known as a phenomenal economic strength in the last few years. One of the aspects contributing to this is an increase in investments from both domestic and foreign establishments and entities.
As more foreign countries recognize India’s economic position and growth possibilities they express an interest in investing in India.
Foreign Direct Investments and Foreign Institutional Investors are two of the most popular ways for overseas investors to participate in India.
What is FDI?
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an aspect of a state ‘s national financial accounts. Foreign assets are invested in domestic systems, facilities, and organisations. Foreign investment in equity markets is not included.
FDI is assumed to be more helpful to a state than equity investments in its businesses because equity investments are conceivably “hot money” that leaves at the first sign of problems, whereas FDI is reliable and usually effective whether things go well or horribly.
Under Schedule 1 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, FDI refers to an investment by a non-resident Company/citizen resident outside India in the capital of an Indian firm.(An individual residing outside of India may convert or issue security.)
What is FII?
FII refers to all investors or investment firms that are not physically located in the nation in which they are investing. Securities and Exchange Board of India‘s meaning of FIIs comprises foreign pension funds, mutual funds, charitable/endowment/university funds, etc., and also asset management firms and other money managers functioning on their behalf.
A Foreign Institutional Investor (FII) is an organisation formed or incorporated outside India that intends to participate in India and is approved as a FII under the SEBI (FII) Regulations 1995.

Difference Between FDI and FII
A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a parent firm in a foreign nation. FII, on the other hand, is an investment made by an investor in the markets of an overseas country. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) can quickly enter and exit the equity markets.
However, FDI cannot quickly enter and exit the country. Foreign Direct Investment is directed at a specific business. In particular, the FII is rising capital availability. Foreign Direct Investment is thought to be more reliable than Foreign Institutional Investors.
Basis | FDI | FII |
Investment | This type of Investments are major for Individual companies. | These types of Investments are major in Stock Market |
Control | These investments get some control on the company. | These investments don’t get some control on the company. |
Nature | FDI is involved in direct production and is also of a medium to long term nature. | FII is a short-term investment, often in stock markets. |
Time | Long-term capital is brought in by FDI. | Short-term capital is brought in by FII. |
Risk | Less risky than FII. | Higher risk than FDI. |
Entry & Exit | May need government approval for entry & exit. | No approval is required for entry & exit. |
Comparing the Difference Between FDI and FII
Let’s compare the two investment approaches. The mentioned points can assist us in differentiating between FDI and FII.

Entry & Exit
When making any investment, you should consider whether it is easy to enter and exit. It is relatively simple to enter and exit a FII while also making a substantial amount of money in a short period of time.
FDI investments, on the other hand, are more closely monitored and may require government approvals, making them difficult to enter or exit.
Investment Period
Another difference between FDI and FII is the investment term encouraged by the investor. Foreign direct investments (FDIs) are appropriate for long-term investments.
It carries long term capital to the firm where the investment is made. Investors with both short and long-term investment goals can, on the other hand, invest in FIIs.
Investment Type
The types of transactions allowed are a key difference between FDI and FII. FII typically entails only the transfer of funds. FDI investments, on the other side, do more than just transfer funds.
When an overseas firm invests in another nation (for example, the United States investing in India), it shifts its assets, systems, technical know-how, abilities, and approaches, among other factors.
Affect on Economy
Among the most significant effects of FDI on a nation’s economy is a spike in job possibilities and the investee firm’s GDP. It also encourages infrastructure growth in the foreign land where the investment is made, increasing the buying power of the nation.
As a result, FDI stimulates economic growth. When we evaluate FII and FDI differences, we cannot say the same about FIIs because FII just raises the nation ‘s capital.
Management Control
FDIs usually specifically target firms and acquire management control of the acquiring firm. There is no specific target for FIIs, and the firm has no control over them.

As can be seen, there are several differences between FDI and FII. There are several advantages to investing through both forms of investment.
This is all from our side regarding the difference between FDI and FII. Although, if you have any doubts about fdi and fii difference you can just comment below.
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Difference Between FDI and FII in Hindi?
एक विदेशी प्रत्यक्ष निवेश (FDI) एक विदेशी राष्ट्र में एक मूल फर्म द्वारा किया गया निवेश है। दूसरी ओर, एफआईआई एक विदेशी देश के बाजारों में एक निवेशक द्वारा किया गया निवेश है। विदेशी संस्थागत निवेशक (एफआईआई) जल्दी से इक्विटी बाजारों में प्रवेश कर सकते हैं और बाहर निकल सकते हैं। हालाँकि, FDI जल्दी से देश में प्रवेश और निकास नहीं कर सकता है।
एफआईआई क्या है?
FII उन सभी निवेशकों या निवेश फर्मों को संदर्भित करता है जो भौतिक रूप से उस देश में स्थित नहीं हैं जिसमें वे निवेश कर रहे हैं। भारतीय प्रतिभूति और विनिमय बोर्ड का एफआईआई के अर्थ में विदेशी पेंशन फंड, म्यूचुअल फंड, धर्मार्थ / बंदोबस्ती / विश्वविद्यालय फंड आदि शामिल हैं, और परिसंपत्ति प्रबंधन फर्म और उनके प्रतिनिधि पर काम करने वाले अन्य धन प्रबंधक भी शामिल हैं।
FDI Full form
The Full form of FDI is Foreign direct investment. It occurs when a firm acquires control of an organisation in another nation.
FDI and FII investment in India
A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a parent company in another country. FII, on the other hand, is an investment made by an investor in a foreign country's markets. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) can enter and exit equity markets quickly.
FDI and FII examples
Example of FDI is Aadhar Housing & FII example any large cap Stock market company as almost all have FII holdings.