Trading is full of short forms nowadays as technology is growing day and night. We also need to stay updated with them. Now when you look at your trading screens there are many short forms written on the buying and selling window. Many people try to search different terms like Nrml Vs Mis, what is MIS or ioc etc.
To clear your confusion in this post we will discuss various terms related to your buy and sell window which you see whenever you buy or sell any stock, commodity or index.
Table of Contents
What is MIS?
The full form of MIS in trading is Margin Intraday Square Off order. It is a trading strategy that is utilized for intraday trading in equity, F&O, and commodity. Depending on the share you are trading, the brokerage firms provide you intraday leverage ranging from 2 to 10 times.
For F&O, the margins needed will be 50 percent of the total margin required (SPAN + Exposure) for indices and securities contracts. However, When you purchase Options, mostly brokerage firms don’t offer margins.
MIS Timings
You can open an intraday position starting from 9:15 am on both exchanges in the stocks which are available for intraday. There are few stocks in which exchanges don’t allow intraday trading.
While You need to close your intraday position before 3:20 p.m in most of the online brokerage firms. Beginning from 3:20 p.m. to 3:25 p.m. all positions under the EQ MIS and F&O MIS will be immediately squared off if not closed.
Brokerage firms like Zerodha are charging a penalty of INR 50/- Per order if you don’t square off your position.
What is NRML?
The nrml full form in trading is Normal order. It is an approach of trading equity utilized for overnight trading of futures and options. If the customer doesn’t want any additional leverage, he can use NRML feature to open a position and avoid auto square-offs.
NRML enables you to carry forward the position and hold it until the monthly expiry. The NRML Feature is also utilized for delivery-based Forex trading.
mis vs nrml
You can carry forward your position and hold it for long. | You need to square off the position within the same day. |
You will not get any leverage in NRML | You will get 2x to 10x leverage in MIS |
Risk of losing money is less than MIS in NRML | Risk of losing money is higher than NRML in MIS |
The other related terms to Nrml vs MIS are CNC, IOC, Limit Order, Market Order and Stop loss(SL). Let’s first discuss them one by one.
What is CNC?
The full form of CNC is Cash and Carry. It is an approach of trading equity that is based on delivery. You will not get any leverage if you are using the CNC option. However, Your position is not automatically squared off and you can keep them for the long term.
You will be unable to sell using the product code CNC unless you have the relevant stock in your DEMAT account. Please keep in mind that If you use CNC to buy and sell a share on the same day, the transaction is still recognized intraday.
What is IOC?
IOC – An Immediate or Cancel (IOC) order enables a Trading Individual to purchase a Stock as soon as the order is registered into the market or the order will be withdrawn if there is any supply and demand issue at mentioned price.
The order can be partially matched, and the unmatched segment of the order is instantly withdrawn.
Limit Order
A type of order that enables the cost to be defined while the order is being entered into the platform of exchange.
Market Order
An order to purchase or sell stocks at the best available cost at the time the order is registered.
Stop Loss

Stop Loss (SL) Price/Order – Enables the Trading Individual to put an order that will be triggered only when the market rate of the applicable security approaches or passes a certain price. Until then, the order is not placed in the market.
Buy & Sell stop loss process
When the last traded value in the regular market approaches or drops below the order’s trigger value, a sell order in the Stop Loss book is initiated.
When the last traded value in the normal market approaches or surpasses the order’s trigger cost, a purchase order in the Stop Loss book is initiated.
If the target price for a stop loss purchase order is 256.00, the limit value is 259.00, and the market (last purchased) cost is 90.00, this order is published into the software when the market value approaches or surpasses 256.00. This order is placed to the standard lot book as a limit order of 259.00.
These all terms mentioned above are really important for people who want or started investing in the stock market. These terms many times help people to reduce their losses and extend their gains.

This is all from our side regarding Nrml vs Mis & What is MIS, NRML, IOC, CNC? Let us know your views in the comment section.
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FAQ About what is nrml in zerodha?
Nrml in zerodha?
NRML in Zerodha is Normal order to carry position till monthly expiry.
day vs ioc ?
In Day order you wait full market hours to operate the order and in IOC the order will be operated or cancelled immediately.
cnc means in stock market in hindi?
जिस में आर्डर आप स्टॉक को लॉन्ग टर्म के लिए अपने पास रख सकते है उससे सन्स आर्डर कहते है
zerodha cnc validity?
The validity is unlimited.
nrml vs mis in hindi?
Nrml - वायदा कारोबार में पोजीशन को ओवरनाइट होल्ड करने के लिए जो आर्डर लगाना पड़ता है उससे NRML कहते है MIS- वायदा कारोबार में जिस पोजीशन को हम एक ही दिन में कम्पलीट करना चाहते है उसके लिए जो आर्डर लगाना पड़ता है उससे MIS कहते है