The share market is full of numerous actions that take place on a regular basis. Daily, investors are heard new terms and concepts. As a result, it is essential to have a detailed understanding of such words to stay updated in stock market. The word “Security in Ban” or “Security under ban” in F&O segment is quite popular.
In this blog post, we will learn what a security is ban in F&O trading, as well as the terms and example related to it.
Table of Contents
Security in Ban Meaning
When the open interest of a share’s market wide position limit (MWPL) exceeds 95 percent, the share is forbidden from trading in futures and options. Furthermore, the open interest is a total of the the whole futures and options contract for all months.
During Security in Ban
When a security is Under ban, the only transaction that trader can do is to reduce their position. In addition, the trader can reduce his position by selling his original position.
To put it differently, no new position can be open until the security ban is lifted in F&0 Segment. However, traders may take intraday positions because it has no direct relation with open interest.
After this the next question that arises in your minds is when the ban will be removed and normal F&O trading will restart in that stock.

When Normal F&O Trading will Restart in Security Under Ban?
Normal trading in securities under ban will only restarts when total open interest on all exchanges falls to 80% or less of the market wide position limit. To put it differently, when the open interest drops to 80% or less, the stocks are removed from the ban and normal trading restarts.
The phase “market wide position limit” (MWPL) next word that every trader should be familiar with in the perspective of the securities in ban. Let’s discuss market wide position limit (MWPL).
What is Market Wide Position Limit?
The idea of market wide position limit just applied to securities in the futures and options section. On a monthly basis, the stock exchange publishes data for MWPL of each securities in the f&o section. However, Index derivatives are not subject to the market-wide position limit. The MWPL is in the form of equity should be:
- less than 20 percent of the free float, i.e. non-promoter holding in contexts of stock quantity
- 30 times the prior month’s typical quantity of stocks exchanged regularly in the cash market of the exchange.
The NSE also has a feature on its trading system that shows a notification when the open interest of futures and contracts in a security surpasses 60% of the security’s market-wide position limit. These notifications are highlighted at 10-minute time frame.

Where i can find Data of Market Wide Position Limit?
NSE release the data on daily basis normally after 6pm. However, sometime it might got delayed due to various reasons. You can just click here to checkout the latest data of nse security ban.
Penalty for Traders who breaches the F&O ban?
If a trader breaches the F&O ban, i.e. rises or opens a new position in a security in ban period, the trader will have to pay a fines of 1% of the rising position’s value. There is a lowest limit of Rs 5,000 and an upper limit limit of Rs 1 lakh.
f&o ban is good or bad?
If you wan to judge F&o ban good or Bad, Here are the major reasons why there is a need to ban on security in F&O segment
- It reduce the volatility in particular share on the both sides.
- Ban save retail investors from big loss.
- It also give time to investor rethink about their positions.

Sometime people loss money due to Security in Ban. However, It is necessary to save retail investors from huge losses.
This is all from our side regarding Security in Ban. Although, if you have any doubts you can just comment below.
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FAQ About Securities in Ban Period
f&o ban is good or bad?
Ban on Securities is good to save people from huge losses. However, some people think that ban on secutities is bad when they loss money due to ban on secutities they are trading.
Securities in ban for trade meaning?
It means the securities are current prohibited by exchange from normal F&O trading due to exceeding the market wide position limit.
What happens when a stock is in f&o ban?
You cannot do normal F&O trading in that stock as Opening of new position is not allowed.
f&o ban is good or bad in hindi?
जब किसी स्टॉक का कुल ओपन इंटरेस्ट मार्केट वाइड पोज़िशन लिमिट का 95 प्रतिशत पार कर जाता है। उससे एफ ऐंड ओ बन कहते है।
F&O means in share market?
F&O means Futures & Options trading in Share market.
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