When you are trying to buy equities from Zerodha, there is a order type called AMO. After that every search that what is AMO in Zerodha? So for you guys we had explained about AMO in in this article.
However, to understand AMO in Zerodha you need to make yourself familiar with some other terms as well. So let’s discuss it in detail.
Table of Contents
Pre-Market Session

The NSE introduced the idea of a pre-open period only several years ago in order to reduce the instability of shares during the regular market starting. On the NSE, the pre-market session runs from 9:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.
Orders are received, updated, or terminated throughout the pre-market period for the first 8 minutes (around 9:00 AM and 9:08 AM). Limit and market orders are both permissible.
No fresh orders may be made after 9.08 a.m. until 9.15 a.m.; existing orders are balanced and transactions are verified. So, practically, you can just position orders on the equity section for the initial 8 minutes.
Post Market Session
Post-market transactions, like pre-market orders, are only available for equity trading. From 3:40 PM to 4:00 PM, the post-market or closure window is accessible.
People can position buy/sell orders in stock (delivery section using the CNC product code) at the current price throughout this period, but keep in mind that even if you put a market order, it will be executed at the closing price on the exchanges.
So, if HDFC Banks’s closure price at 3:30 PM is Rs. 1430, you can position market orders to buying and selling HDFC Banks at market price within 3:40 PM and 4:00 PM (will be executed at Rs. 1430).
The post-market period is relatively quiet, but you can track stock volatility by accessing the marketwatch screen between 3:40 and 4:00 PM.
What is AMO in Zerodha?
AMO in Zerodha is After Market Orders. This service is accessible on Zerodha for those who are unable to regularly monitor the markets between the hours of 9:15 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
NSE and BSE AMO (After market Orders)
For the equity segment, you can position requests from 3:45 PM to 8:57 AM for NSE and 3:45 to 8:59 AM for BSE until right before the pre-opening session) and up to 9:10 AM for F&O.
As a result, you’ll be able to schedule your trades and position orders till the market opens. On all exchange segments, after-market orders are possible.
Please be aware that all after-market orders placed between 9:15 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. would be declined.
For equity, AMO is only permitted between 3:45 PM and 8:59 AM, and for F&O, up to 9:10 AM. AMO is just permitted for currency derivatives between 3.45 p.m. the prior day to 8:59 a.m. the next day.
Commodity AMO(After market Orders)
Commodity trading as well allows for after-market trades. Commodity after-market orders can be made at any time throughout the day, and they will be sent to the exchange at 9:00 a.m. (MCX opening). So, if you put an after-market order at 8:59 a.m., it will be sent today, and if you put it at 9:01 a.m., it will be sent the next day.
How to place a After Market Orders(AMO)?
To make an AMO, go to the scrip’s Buy(B) or Sell(S) button, then to “More options” at the base of the order screen and pick “AMO.” For a better understanding, look at the picture below:

At what price is Amo executed?
The order generally executed at opening Market price of the equities. However, There are chance that it will be executed different rate depending on the supply and demand of the stock.
Key Note
However, even after understanding amo order in zerodha, Placing a market order at starting, rather than choosing AMO, is a significantly smarter option if you want the finest fill first step in the morning.
They usually have hundreds of AMO orders that are sent together to the exchanges at market starting and the transactions which take a few moments to spot.
AMO is a feature designed for investors who are unable to access the internet throughout trading hours.
Which is better GTT or AMO?
GTT is a function that enables you to establish a trigger price meaning that if it is hit at a later date, a limit order will be posted on the exchange based on the limit price and predetermined criteria you set. AMO stands for Advance Market Order, and it allows investors to execute buy/sell orders beyond the normal market hours.
Can Amo orders be Cancelled?
Before an aftermarket order (AMO) is completed, you can cancel it at any moment. Orders submitted after the market closes are known as AMO orders. You have time to cancel the AMO order until the session starts or your order is fulfilled. Cancelling an AMO order is the same as cancelling any other order.

Amo Order are risky in nature if you are looking them a option for intraday trade or swing trading. Always do proper research before placing an Amo Order in Zerodha.
This is all from ourside regarding what is AMO? Let us know your views in the comment section.
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FAQ About What is amo?
What are the charges for AMO order in Zerodha?
Charges for amo zerodha are same as regular order. It will depend only on you are placing intraday order or delivery order.
AMO order timing on BSE and NSE?
AMO order timing on BSE and NSE is from 1545 hrs to next day 0859 hrs
Is AMO order allowed on commodities as well?
Yes, It allowed.
Post market season timing on NSE and BSE?
Post market season timing is 1540 hrs to 1600 hrs.
Pre-market Session timings on NSE and BSE?
Pre-market Session timings 0900 Hrs to 0908 Hrs.